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Our Horses

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.” – Winston Churchill

We strongly believe that horses touch our hearts in a way no other animal can. Every horse has something to give, and when we provide them with what they need to be happy and healthy, it is amazing how they give back to their riders. We encourage riders and visitors to bring apples, carrots, and treats, and to love on our horses. Whether it’s a good day or not, they will always brighten it!

Our horses cover a wide range of sizes, personalities, and strengths so that the riders in our lesson program can become well-rounded horsemen no matter what their background is. Students will ride a variety of horses because each one helps them to work on a different aspect of their horsemanship and riding. We are so proud of our wonderful lesson herd and are grateful for them every day!

The Herd


Barn Hours

Tuesday – Sunday 9am – 9pm

Closed Mondays

Please call ahead for tours as we cannot always accommodate drop-ins due to our lesson schedule and horse shows.

Contact Info

6381 Trietsch Rd, Sanger, Texas, 76266


NoMad Farms

Barn Hours

Tuesday – Sunday 9am – 9pm

Closed Mondays

Please call ahead for tours as we cannot always accommodate drop-ins due to our lesson schedule and horse shows.

NoMad Farms

Contact Info

6381 Trietsch Rd, Sanger, Texas, 76266
